Welcome to the PoRCH Support Request Portal!

This portal is designed to collect basic details about your research project and current needs. A member of the PoRCH team will review your request and reach out with any additional questions and next steps.

PoRCH is a research support infrastructure that provides assistance to fellows, new faculty, and researchers looking to initiate research as part of their medical education curriculum or new projects which will lead to grant-supported work in the future. The PoRCH team serves a broad range of needs from grant preparation, coordinator support, study organization, clinical trial support, study design planning, sample size calculations, REDCap development, data analysis planning and execution, as well as manuscript development.

Due to our scope of work and involvement with the greater pediatrics and OB-GYN departments, we must prioritize projects by concrete deadlines. As such, we ask that you provide details regarding your ultimate project goals and any firm submission deadlines to meet along the way. If you need assistance with more than one research study, please submit a separate request form for each individual research study.

If you have any questions, please email PoRCH@peds.ufl.edu

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